Originally Posted By: svsg
Runaway Jury *

Entertaining, but predictable. The script follows the usual hollywood formulas with clever twists and turns, punchlines, patriotism, good vs evil etc etc. All the big-name actors act well in their respective roles, but ultimately waste their talent for an average movie.

The one thing that bug the hell out of me about RUNAWAY JURY is how the anti-gun lobby are goodie-two shoes and the pro-gun lobby are the most evil scumbags.

If I had scripted that book (which wasn't much in the first place) then I would have made it that both ideological special interest lobbies do everything off the book in trying to get the verdict that they desire, fuck the law.

Its just the people that decide the outcome do it against the losers out of simple revenge.

Still, its sad when for a generic movie, its the one time that former roommates Gene Hackman and Dusty Hoffman get to act together in a Hollywood flick.