Originally Posted By: olivant
 Originally Posted By: Ice

As for Lucy's operation:

I think her operation represents technology allowing her to break from her old-fashioned beliefs and her 'medieval' (Jule's words) world that caused her to believe that her 'problem' was actually a heaven-sent curse. Thanks to Jules and technology her philosophy on life shits from the old to the new and she gains new hope in life w/ the relief of her 'problem'.

People moving into Western America and into the 'light' and warmer temperatures has often been used to signify new hope, better days and even a new and better life.

The Corleones also move out west and into the 'light' with their break from the old into the new, legit business of legalized gambling.

I call the Lucy/Jules chapter 'New dreams out West' as it is a new way of life and new way of thinking for Lucy and the Corleones in the bright Western sun.

And what do we call it when Michael moves back to NY and becomes "like the Supreme Court?" How about "Retro dreams back in the Big Apple?'

Ha, I label those chapters as such when I give the book as a gift - which I often do.

Anyway, lets look at "new" Fredo. Does he NOT undergo SIGNIFICANT change when he moves out West and becomes a man of Vegas-Baby-Vegas?

And come on...the American "migration" across the West is a HUGE theme in our culture - ya know.. California Dreamin', Louis & Clark, Roy Rodgers, Home on the Range, Hippies & the "Children of the Sun" making the trip to a newer and BRIGHTER life out West - do any of these "themes" sound familiar to you, youngster? I'm not saying that these "side stories/themes" - the ones that don't appear in the movie - are ORIGINAL on Puzo's part, but I DO think that they are interesting.

BTW-I DON'T think that anyone on these boards really believes that Puzo wrote a "Horrifically Awful" novel. Puzo did however write a very "sloppy" novel, yes! It has some ridiculously conspicuous "errors" b/c he probably wrote it on the toilet in about one weekend's time. But I don't really care if it's not a model-example of lit. I think it's a pretty darn good book, the WHOLE of it. ;\)

Btw2-Puzo's editor didn't receive any promotions, either. ;\)

Btw3- I especially like following Johnny's life at the wild, Hollywood sex-parties as well as Lucy's over sized vagina. But that's just meeee.. ;\)