My God the impossible question!

Well i have just rewatched part one tonight (my fave film of all time!) and today ive changed my mind about my favourite scene in the film. It was previously Sonnys beating of carlo, but i now have a new number one

- We see Tessio on the phone arranging the meeting, we then see he and Tom go outside to get Michael, but then suddenly Willie Cicci appears and says that Michael will be taking another car to the meeting, Tessio seems a bit put out 'that screws up all my arrangements' he barks, but then Tom says 'I cant go either, Sal' And then in that split second - Tessio realizes he has been found out, in a supreme piece of facial acting by Abe Vigoda, he looks Tom straight in the eye and with that he knows he is doomed! He is then disarmed and makes a final plea 'Cant you get me off the hook Tom, for ol' times sake??' He says with an inconceivable grin 'Cant do it Sally' Is Tom's cold reply, with that the once Hulking Powerful Caporegime is reduced to nothing as he led into a car, powerless to prevent his onw death.

Its such a short scene,but for me, its so, so powerful and well acted.

As for my other fave scenes well here we go

- EVERY Sonny scene, my favourite character of any film, EVER
- 'You have to answer for Santino, Carlo!. For me that is Pacino's best scene.
- As Carlo gets in the car he smirks cos he thinks he's gonna live but 'Hello Carlo' WHAT a scene
- The Baptism Massacre - With 5 Highly original stlyes of death, especially the revolving door
- Woltz 'And a man in my position cant afford to made to look ridulous;
- Scene in the garden 'I said i could handle it, i handle it!
- In the hospital 'Im with you now
- The 'Ill kill em both' scene

Lets face it EVERY damn scene is great, its the most flawless film ever.

Ill do a post for part 2 after a renewed watch tomorrow

Sonny - Well then, business will have to suffer, all right? And listen, do me a favor, Tom. No more advice on how to patch things up, just help me win, please