Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
I'll second RRA's Where Eagles Dare recommendation. Great film.

I watched Eraserhead on the Absurda DVD last night, for the first time since I bought it.

Best film ever.

ERASERHEAD is an experience that everyone needs to take in.

Hell, when Stanley Kubrick was inspired by it when making THE SHINING.....Lynch must have done something right.

Anyway, I always liked WHERE EAGLES DARE more than DIRTY DOZEN.

Now sure I enjoy DIRTY DOZEN, with old school man's man personalities like Lee Marvin (who did kick Axis ass in WW2) and Bronson and Brown and others.

But WHERE EAGLES DARE is a better film. If Americans picture the "Men on a Mission" WW2 action/adventure subgenre with DIRTY DOZEN, the British picture WHERE EAGLES DARE.

It was pitched and produced as Richard Burton's son as his old man's last major hooray as a film star...and Burton does kick ass.

Its funny how Clint Eastwood actually got paid MORE than Burton in order to be a glorified second banana to Burton, but he rocks.

It was MGM's biggest hit for 1969 (or whatever year it came out) and it still works.

Why? Maybe its because the film opens up during the mission. Mystery surrounds these group of men, and the lone American who's stuck in it for some reason, THEN we get a flashback to the briefing.

Yet the whole film sets up a rather simple conspiracy that actually pulled off without being silly or contrived...

WHERE EAGLES DARE (1969) - ****1/2