Hard to say what my favourite scene is but one bit I really liked was with Michael and Johnny (the singer) in the Las Vegas scene. its only a small bit.

Michaels asks Johnny to sign a contract to appear 5 times in the casinos he was going to buy, and Johnny unreservedly agrees, with a positive "I'll do anything for my Godfather, you know that". Of course Mo Green then came in and blew away the spirit of co operativeness lmao

He didnt even question whether Michael would be able to buy them or not, (in contrast to Fredo), Good old Johnny new the score.

In fact there was a fine nobility with the family in there quest for returning favours. The people were never asked to do something out of reach of them. the 2 incidents of favour returning being the funeral parlour owner (asked to make over Sonnys body) and Johnny. In some crime flicks, people are asked to carry dodgy parcels through customs, of other potentially legally damaging activies. But it seemed if people werent criminally involved, they were never asked to do unlawfull things. (Although the favours could be demanding, the funeral owner had to respond within an hour)

Just a bit I liked.

Colin B