(First Viewing)

After receiving a weird package with the doll named Billy, Jamie's wife is murdered and he believe's Mary Shaw and Billy are behind it. Destined to find out the truth, Jamie goes to the town of Raven's Fair where the ventriloquist Mary Shaw used to perform and is buried. But Jamie is in for more than he expected.

Leigh Whannell & James Wan who brought us the SAW franchise should stick to just that, the SAW franchise. I'm glad I didn't buy into this movies marketing because of this to actually pay money to see it in theaters. The 2 biggest problems with the film: predictability and killer dolls. As soon as I saw the main characters father in the film, maybe 20-30 minutes into the picture, I already had the ending figured out. So basically I'm watching the movie for another 60-70 minutes waiting for what I already know is going to happen. The original SAW ended with a nice twist because I didn't see it coming. However, this time around, with all of the quick ending to give a quick microwaved version of how the story knots up perfectly, I yawn and say to myself lame. Secondly, any horror movie involving killer dolls cannot be taken seriously. Literally, pick them up and punt them across the room. Break them, they're either plastic or wood. They're dolls for crying out loud! So, as you can see, I don't think dolls make for good killers. SAW was much more original and suspenseful than this rip off of a story from the movie TALES FROM THE HOOD.