SB, you are so right about that commercial.

Do the Mojito!

I have several commercials that I just hate, which appear during Astros broadcasts. Meaning that I see them a LOT.

There's one car commercial with the guy yelling at us about how he's lowering prices, and everytime it airs, my dad declares he will never buy a car from him. I always find it funny that he considers himself such a major influence on this guy's business.

I do like the jingle about Chevrolet and baseball...
We love baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet.
Stolen bases, goat cheese pizza, bottled water and Chevrolet.
Free agents, rally monkeys, fantasy leagues and Chevrolet.
They go together in the good ol' USA,
Face paint, satellite radio, ____???____ and Chevrolet.

Yes, I sometimes sing along.

And it bothers me that I don't know that one part in the last line.