Originally posted by Ice:
... are you telling me that the don's son, as weak and stupid as he was, would not have had some insight into his own inevitable whacking???...
Well, let's see.

The Don's son DIDN'T know how to handle a gun & defend his father from would-be assasins.

The Don's son DIDN'T know to keep his mouth shut when his brother confronted Moe Green in Vegas.

The Don's son DIDN'T know that what killed Clemenza was 'no heart attack'.

The Don's son DIDN'T know he was being used by Roth with the 'something in it for him' story.

The Don's son DIDN'T know he was setting up his own brother for a hit.

The Don's son DIDN'T know he was spilling the beans to his brother standing 3 feet away when admitting Johnny Ola took him to a club.

The Don's son DIDN'T know not to ask to see his brother even after being told Michael was 'waiting for him to leave'.

The Don's son DIDN'T know he was about to be shot on the lake.

You'd think after being raised around 'The Family Business'... the Don's son would have a bit more insight into alot of things.



A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.