Originally posted by Rudik:
... Did Fredo know it was going to be a hit? Or he didnt know that it was?
Contrary to the responses so far...I wonder if you're referring to the attempted hit on Michael, which of course was made possible through his collaboration with Ola/Roth.

No, I really don't think he did. Not that that made a single bit of difference.

As for the hit carried out on Fredo himself, executed by Neri and ordered by Michael...no he didn't know. He would've never gotten into that boat if he had any idea what was planned for him.

There are those who like to insist that he found redemption in those final moments and through some revelation decided to accept his fate with dignity. lol But of course, that's horseshit. That wasn't Fredo, not by the longest shot in the universe.

He didn't know. wink



A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.