Wow I've been away far too long. Anyways, here's my question: was Connie activly involved with the murder of Fredo? And if so, why?

Look at the facts: Fredo and Anthony were about to go fishing together, when Connie comes up and tells Anthony "Your father wants to take you to Reno now!" Michael, or at least one of his men, would have had to tell Connie that. So when they got back to the house, which does seem off a ways from the boathouse, judging by the shot of the bandstand, they would have likely been asking, "Where's Michael?" Well, Michael's in the boathouse. The murder happened out in the middle of the lake, and the sun had set a bit later, plus Fredo had time to say a Hail Mary. That's a long time, don't you think Connie would have found Michael by then? That's a fairly broad definition of "now", also. And why does Fredo need someone to drive the boat for him? Protection? He's in Michael's compund, who's going to get him?! Or maybe Fredo simply didn't know how to drive the boat, but then again he mentioned how he used to go fishing all the time with his father and Sonny and Michael and Tom, so it stands to reason that at one point or another they all probably took a turn at driving the boat, because driving a boat would be a fun experience for a kid growing up.

Now why was Connie involved though? She knew that Michael had Carlo killed, and she obviously cared about Fredo, hence the mediation of Michael and Fredo at Mama's funeral.

What do you think this is the Army, where you shoot'em a mile away?

You've gotta get up close like this and bada-bing! you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit.