KING KONG (1976)
(First Viewing)

An expedition of the "Petrox" company, is exploring in search of petrol. A strange island where they arrive is the home of a giant ape, King Kong, that is captured by the expedition in order to make money exhibiting it to the world.

What a tragedy! They took an American classic with an iconic cineamatic ending and totally pissed all over it. The first mistake was using the World Trade Center instead of the Empire State Building. I'm guessing it was used because it was finally completed just 3 years earlier in 1973. Regardless, this was just one of the many faults with this film. Secondly, they brought on John Guillermin whose resume includes SHAFT IN AFRICA! At least the 1933 and 2005 versions of KONG were entertaining and had some suspense/action. This film was a complete snoozefest.
Warning, Spoiler:
Kong only fights 1 snake on Skull Island! \:o What's up with that?? No T-Rex battles or something similar?
I thought the 2005 version of a KONG was a love story, this film tried too hard to be such. I like some of Charles Grodin's work but he didn't do a good job at all at this versions "Carl Denham" aka Fred Wilson. I'll give more credit to Peter Jackson now for staying as close as possible to the original and not diminishing its memory.