For those unaware, Irish and I were discussing the new cover artwork for the Taxi Driver Special Edition DVD, over in the DVD Discussion thread. The cover looks like this:

Now, he and I both agree, the cover art isn't nearly as dazzling as expected. Firstly, there are no action shots, nudity, explosions, holograms, or otherwise. This must change. To take action, we've decided to contact Sony with a petition. I will be forwarding the following e-mail to Sony, along with a petition.

To Sony & whomever it may concern,

Firstly, I am a huge fan of the film, "Taxi Driver". I would like to take this moment to thank you for allowing the public to enjoy the new, superior transfer of "Taxi Driver" and the included features.

Now to business. Myself, and several others, are gravely discontent with the new cover artwork included with the upcoming Special Edition release of the film. It's rather bland and unexciting. I mean, when I hear the words "Taxi Driver Special Edition DVD," that pretty much implies a moving, holographic Travis Bickle swooping down from the sky in his flying Taxi cab, grabbing a live chicken by the neck, and then beating a pimp over the head with it. Alright, so, expectations can't always be filled to their fullest, but I was at least hoping for some flames, some guns, some blood, or some full-frontal nudity from Jody Foster. What gives?

Further more, Jimmy Fallon and Queen Latifa aren't even on the cover, let alone credited! I don't mean to tell you hard-working individuals how to do your job, but something must be changed. How do you expect to sell the product without even mentioning the two biggest stars of the film, not to mention some of the finest talent Hollywood has seen since William Shatner?

I've included with this letter a link to an online petition I've created; I certainly am not the only one who demands justice be done to the excellent film and DVD release. I just feel that this release, being something the fans have been waiting a life-time for, should be all it should be... A complete fan pleaser. We will not settle for second rate. Thank you for your time.

Kevin E. Cardinale

Help me serve DVD justice! Sign the petition, HERE!

"Somebody told me when the bomb hits, everybody in a two mile radius will be instantly sublimated, but if you lay face down on the ground for some time, avoiding the residual ripples of heat, you might survive, permanently fucked up and twisted like you're always underwater refracted. But if you do go gas, there's nothing you can do if the air that was once you is mingled and mashed with the kicked up molecules of the enemy's former body. Big-kid-tested, motherf--ker approved."