Originally Posted By: svsg
Nice review Irish, this sounds very good - I want to watch it soon. The only japanese movie I have watched is Rashomon and it is already in my all time top 10 or so. It might be a good idea to start a separate thread and compile your reviews of Japanese movies, the way you did for grindhouse movies.

Thanks for the kind words svsg. RASHOMON is my favorite Japanese movie of all-time BTW (good taste in movies we have) \:p ONIBABA is definitely up there (I hope you watch it soon), HARAKIRI is up there as well. I'm really into the samurai genre so most of my favorites are samurai movies. I'm not sure if that's what you're into but HARAKIRI was great regardless. THRONE OF BLOOD was great by Kurosawa along with YOJIMBO & SANJURO. Everyone else here will tell you the SEVEN SAMURAI is but I find it difficult to sit through for 3 1/2 hours (but that's just me). As for the seperate thread, I don't watch a lot of Japanese movies. It's just I've been able to get these through Blockbuster Online and 2 recent gems (HARAKIRI & ONIBABA) just have me begging for more. But if you and others think we should, I'm game. I just find it easier to complie all the movies into one thread.