More good news:

-It seems like out of the 12 teams, the only teams with legit interest in taking on Gagne's contract and injury risk are the Yankees and the Mets, and rumour has it that Omar Minaya is more interested in Buerhle and other starting pitching than he is in Gagne. So for the Yankees, a plus.

- Twins are trying to shop Torii Hunter to the team with the best package, and rumour has it Melky Cabrera's name is being mentioned quite a bit. Given that Damon is looking more and more decrepit every second in the outfield, is it too far fetched to think Hunter could come in and take the job? I like Hunter myself, but personally, I'd rather have Ichiro as my over-30 center fielder. Still, Abreu will be gone after this year if they can land Ichiro, so I'd love to see the Yankee outfield feature Matsui, Hunter, and Ichiro. Whoo.

Problem is, of course, we're back in the old style of getting over-30 players with large contracts. Out of the names mentioned, I'd most like to have Ichiro though.

- Yankees are pursuing Tampa Bay first-baseman Carlos Pena (i.e. the player we just let go for nothing a bit ago), in a trade that would send Sean Henn to the D-Rays, in exchange for Pena and Ty Wigginton. My thoughts? I don't know. Henn could develop into a nice reliever, and we desperately need bullpen help. Miguel Cairo should have the first base job until he proves he can't handle it, or Mientkeiwicz comes back.

- Yankees are "very interested" in acquiring Reds' RHP Dave Weathers OR Orioles Chad Bradford.

Bad news:

- Looks like Damon will head to the DL for the first time in his career. He says his "rib is shot." Uh. Makes you think about how signing Beltran would have been a nice move, and ALSO makes you weary of going after outfielders over 30 years of age. I consider Ichiro the only exception because he seems to be a conditioning phenom.