Originally Posted By: klydon1
I would be a little surprised if the Teixiera deal gets done soon. Texas is in no hurry, and according to Ken Rosenthal, is asking for Phil Hughes to be included in the deal. They may wait it out, and see if the Yankees include him, or see if they can cut another deal elsewhere. If not, they may wait close to the deadline.

There is NO WAY I'd give up Philip Hughes. I don't think Cashman is that stupid either. Mind you I didn't say it definitely, I hope Cashman isn't that stupid. Besides, I think the Yanks are in the drivers seat with Teixiera. He's gonna be a free agent soon. The Yanks could just wait until the end of the year and sign him as a free agent. At least this way Texas would get something for him, much like they did with Soriano who was fleeing Texas as soon as his contract expired, and traded him to Washington just to get something