Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
I also found this website that said the Kill Bill - The Whole Bloody Affair DVD will be released on September 18th (the same day as DEATH PROOF). I'm all for that as it's almost 2 months sooner! The DVD set is supposed to be 4-discs. I'm guessing the movies will be 1 & 2 which means 2 discs of supplements

What is "Kill Bill - The Whole Bloody Affair"? How is it different than the original Kill Bill Vol.'s? And also, Death Proof? As in the second part to Grindhouse? Why are they releasing it separately from Planet Terror? Are they going to release Grindhouse on dvd the way it was showed in the theater?

I guess Weinsteins really are releasing GH split on DVD. Tsk Tsk.

As for KILL BILL: THE WHOLE BLOODY AFFAIR, a quick summary:

KILL BILL the script that I read, as did rest of the world, was really the most epic and expensive martial arts trash movie written, easily 3 hours if QT had his way.

Problem was, a 3-hour martial arts movie wouldn't cut well in theatres, so Miramax and QT made that fateful decision to "split" it into two films, and basically try to shoot and edit more additional footage as seperate releases.