Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I'm sure there are plenty of Yankee fans that are. There are "those" kind for every team. I happen to think that it's poor sportsmanship, I don't care what team you root for.

And of course, Ronnie, I know with that post that you weren't insinuating that I was that kind of Yankee fan, although there are some people who could interpret it that way. But I know that you didn't mean that.

Who said you're a jackass Yankee fan? You're not.

Its just, as an outsider to that whole Mets/Yanks bitter inner-city rivalry, one side trashing the other side for doing the EXACT same thing they do as well...it all seems sorta silly.

All I know is, the Mets have done well this year, the Yanks are on a hot streak right now (still 9 games back, but hey its June) and it should be technically a good series, right?

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
THOSE kind?


Yeah, I'm the new Bull Connor!