Here be your SPOILER warning....

Raging Bull *****/*****
(no review since I'm planning a major review for this one, like the one I did for Troy)

Equilibrium ****/*****

What a nice gem! Bale was great in Batman Begins? well, you better see him in this one cos he turned an "average" futuristic film into a mind blowing experience! add in a great suppor from veteran Sean Bean, and this film, ladies n gentlemen, is a winner in my book.
"Sense offenders" are those who oppose the new world where emotions are illegal...since they are the cause for wars. Yeah whatever. So due to a mix of events, Bale ends up not taking his pills, thus beginning to FEEL. that emotional conflict he portrays is mesmerizing. He even has a little breakdown in one scene when he listens to classical music. Highly recommended.
This film is also famous for presenting a new fighting technique called Gun Kata, which Bale masters. It is said this is the movie with the highest number of on screen kills, but like I said, the action is realy secondary in this film.

Ong Bak **/*****

So Tony Jaa is the new shit of martial arts. Here be yer proof. But for crying out loud, can we have a slightly better scenes when he's not fighting? I know that the fight scenes are all that matters in this film, but please have merci! You have this guy on a wheelchair, the main villain, talking through a device which creates the most horrible sound your ears will ever experience. Torture, my friends, torture. And if that's not enough, you have the lead female screaming like a horny elephant when she loses her sister. But no, she had to lose her firend in the end of the film as well, and we are doomed once again.

The Protector ***/*****

The following Tony Jaa film. Peace to my ears!finally! the plot is even better this time. Instead of searching for some holy head of a statue, this time he is searching for a lost elephant. But yeah, the choreography of the fights is also much better than in Ong Bak. The scenes are more versatile. In one videogame-like scene he mounts the stairs, taking the baddies one-by-one or should I say five-by-five. And the opponents are also more interesting. All in all, this is a better film than Ong Bak. I made the mistake of watching this one first, so Ong Bak didnt gave me anything new, other than the knowledge that throwing refrigerators at your enemies is pointless.

Fantastic Four */*****

I would say plenty, only there's not much to comment about. Same type of dissapointment I had with PIRATES only this time the rescue wheel is Chiklis instead of Depp. The guy just didnt give in to CGI and insisted on acting it out. He was also the reason I watched it till the end.

Finally...........I rewatched my favorite film of all time.

Yeah...that one with Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis.

No...not the acrobats one.

Later folks.

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)