Sorry for the short reviews, but 15 films in one post takes too much time :

here is a SPOILER warning for all films:

Alien *****/*****

(I watched the director's cut, which is in fact one minute shorter than the theatrical version.)

Superb film! This film is influenced by the 2 years earlier STAR WARS and it shows in the film. But what Scott did is a "hardcore" version of STAR WARS. There are no smooth images and toyish spaceships in this one. They are blunt and unattractive, very fitting for this film.
However, the greatest touch in this film is the element of suspense. The sound of the heartbeats was awesome. As well as the overall feeling that something is going to happen, yet it happens very seldom and only lasts seconds. It only adds to that we dont know what they're really dealing with, the unknown is perhaps the greatest fear.
"kitty, kitty, kitty" is perhaps my favorite scene. That tech guy looking for the cat, and then we see him looking up, the liquid goes down on his hat, and yet...nothing. Awesome.
Also, when they first examine the surface outside, and the camera moves towards the in-wall creature, we are waiting for it to open its eyes....cut to Ripley opening her eyes, anyone else noticed it? just awesome.

Aliens ****/*****

Not as good as the first I must say. But I still give it credit for being a Ripley film more than an alien film, which was a nice touch. Ripley the warrior. Ripley the team leader (Hicks was more like her pawn), and of course Ripley the mother figure.
Cameron wrote the script and directed, and while it is an intense action sci-fi I can't really say it goes without flaws.
For instance, the loudmouthed Vasquez is suddenly silenced when Ripley takes charge, I kept wondering if she was killed early in the film but strangely she's still there. Then there's the weird decision by Ripley to incinerate and bomb the hell out of Mother's nest when she barely makes it out with the child on her shoulder. WTF? She even goes to finish her entire ammunition not leaving anything for her way back. I dont buy it, not while the child is with her, not after all she went through to get her out. Did she really think she'll just blow the hell out of that nest and walk away peacefully?
Then, there's the similarity in the ending to "Alien" : again the alien is hiding in the ship and AGAIN it is killed when its being sucked to space.
Still, is was very good at times, hence my rating. My favorite scene is the elevator scene. Ripley's getting ready to fight. What a pre-battle scene! Cameron is a master in using elevators for his films (terminator 2 anyone?)
The whole notion of going down the elevator a very long way only adds to the feeling of tgoing down the "pits of hell", so to speak.

BTW- this must be the 5th film in which Michael Biehn plays a military commander. The Terminator, Aliens, The Abyss, Navy Seals, The Rock, and probably more I forgot. Talk about typecasting eh?

More reviews on the way...

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)