Originally Posted By: Fame
All these short cuts you see, the philosophy behind it that you should only see what is necesssary. If there's a scene in which someone is walking in the street, enters a building, go up the stairs and then knock on the door - - - the new philosophy says it's a waste of time. Show him in the street for a second, on the stairs for another second, then cut to him standing in front of the door. The "in between" is severely cut. That technique was hardly used before.

Gus Van Sant went totally in the opposite direction with Elephant. He would show a character walking all the way from his home to school \:D And I loved it for some reason, much to the fury of my friends who were watching it with me and were about to kill me for ruining a nice friday evening \:D \:D


Anyway, back to those 15 films:

Written in invisible ink ? ;\)