Cute stuff, Beth. \:D

I've taken a few TV pictures, too - but I always get mad when the fuzzy lines show up in the pictures.


In Astros news:

Well, I'd hate to say it, but...can it get any worse??

Everett breaks leg in collision
Astros shortstop out 4-8 weeks with fractured right fibula


I wasn't at home for most of the game, but I found out about this and caught the clip. It looked terrible - I feel so bad for Everett. And us. He might not be much of a hitter, but he will be greatly missed out on the field. Stats during the broadcast showed that, since 2005, he is second among shortstops in fielding percentage. I think his was about .984 for that period of time, and this year, it's .973. There are so many plays he's able to make that other guys aren't, and we take that for granted. We'll soon realize how much of an asset he is to us.