Rest in peace???? Michael didnt die, he just fell off his chair. Ask Olivant if you don't believe me.

Was Michael a bad don? yes. Why? because he didnt have a strong circle of trusty people around him like his father had. He was all alone and he knew it when he told Tom that "all our people our businessmen". Al Neri was NOT Michael's Luca Brasi. He was loyal but I dont think he truly loved his don the way Luca did. Add to that the fact that Clemenza and Tessio wanted to start their own families, and all you got left is Tom, whom he also pushed away and treated him with disrespect, talking about his mistress etc.

And I also have to disagree about Vito being a good don either. He was when he was young - no argument there. But his refusal to modernize the business (i.e drugs) was a fatal error. He alienated himself from the rest of the dons and underestimated the consequences of his old-fashion behaviour. Add to that the fact that he chose not to avenge his son, and you may praise his dedication to peace all you want, but at the end of the day what the other dons saw was a weaker don, like Michael told him "a sign of weakness".

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)