yo Yo YO !!!!! Big Daddy in Da House and giving a shout out to all my peeps and peepettes .....

So here it is the thread where it all began, my old stomping grounds. Hey SC if you are lurking you remember this guy right ----->

I don't even recognize many of the players these days although from some of the threads I read, certainly not like the original crew. What a bunch of intellects we are were - the way we could turn the simplest statements into some sexual innuendo, thinking back it was like attending a friggin' MENSA convention.

Anyway I had to post because I was just bursting with pride .... Awhile back I had to PM my Man, may main Man - The Douche and chastise him for his pathetic play. He was in last place - he corrected me and said 'second to last place' - not acceptable. Not only was he in last place, opps second to last place - he was behind 3 chicks - Crabby, Gina and Pork \:p (I guess people don't call you that anymore). Actually I think he was pulling up the rear on Geoff - eww that sounds nasty, I just got a bad visual on that one \:x Need to clear my mind - think Jessica Alba, think Jessica Alba, think Jessica Alba .....

Ok back - so Da Douche was in second to last place and I had to call him out on it. I thought it was the marriage, you know a married man letting all the important things in life fall. Told him it was time to Cowboy Up - get out there and start kicking ass and taking names, get that eye of the Tiger back. He assured me he would and I said when I see it I'll have to give him a public shout out - so here I am. First place - as Gumby says You Da Man, Damnit! But I don't want to see any setbacks now, don't get complacent with your lead - it only matter where you are at the end. And as PL always said, it is 'overall' that matters anyway not just a half.

Of course winning the baseball game is not like the winning the FanPool Football game, now that's a game for the Masters - strength, foresight, knowledge - it all goes into that game. That's the one I won I think .... \:D

So here is my shout out - keep up the good work Douche - don't be letting any 'chicks' pass you down the stretch either. I expect this same determination the rest of the season. And I would like to see some more bad mouthing between players - everyone seems so nice.

So hope everyone is doing well from the old crew and the new.

As you were Peeps .....