Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Going by your description of the movie, I think this will be one I skip. Seriously, real animal killings? When was this movie made?

I think it was made in 1980. The animal killings were real, fortunately the cannibalism is fake ;\) One particularly brutal animal killing scene is the most disturbing part of the movie. Other than that, it is watchable to some extent. You may safely skip it. I watched it for the sake of watching the most controversial movies. It looks like no one wants to make these type of movies anymore. All the unimaginable movies were made in 70s-80s in europe. I deleted my review of Maladolescenza(features explicit child/teen nudity, but has an excellent subject/theme) here minutes after I posted it, not being sure of the reaction. I am planning to watch more of these cult/controversial movies in the future \:\)