Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
I'm glad he didn't get it. Thank you Shannon Stewart!

One of these days you're gonna surprise me and post something decent.

Ahhh, who the fuck am I kidding? That'll never happen.

Very nice.

I'd comment, but I'd probably get banned again for sticking up for someone, so I'll just keep my mouth shut like a good little soldier...


Anyways, good work for the Yankees to finally put a nice string together. I don't have My9 so I can't see tonights game, but it looks like the Bucs are giving Andy some trouble. The big bats need to step up.

And I'll be ready and waiting for the Rocket Re-Launch tomorrow...

Speaking of which, the Atlantis managed to liftoff despite weather concerns. Hooray! \:\)