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From the website...
“Is it wrong?” was based on a true story Tom Thayer told on my show about Raymond Burr trying to pick him up in Los Angeles back in the mid 1980s. He was trying to pick Tom up to do “yard work.” I’m not sure that any of us ever uttered the phrase “Is it wrong?” but that was clearly the intent of the bit.

The complete story from Thayer says that Burr was in a limousine, had the driver pull-over and then rolled down the window and asked Thayer if he "would be interested in doing some yard work" in that classic Raymond Burr tone of voice. Which begs the question, "Is it wrong for one man to ask another man to do some yard work at his house?"

"Is it wrong?" said with a Raymond Burr/Perry Mason style voice has become something of a catch phrase to justify any type of questionable activity.

tony b.

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"Kid, these are my f**kin' work clothes."
"You look good in them golf shoes. You should buy 'em"