Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
I'm the same with Friends. I've never seen the show and probably never will. If you said you didn't like Seinfeld, I was going to say you were the first person I know of who has told me they didn't like the show. Seriously, I don't think I've ever had someone tell me they didn't like the show.

I know a few people who dislike the show, on the basis that Jerry Seinfeld isn't all that funny himself. I like the show, and it's probably one of the very few sitcoms I will tolerate (sitcoms just so happen to be the televised equivalent to boy bands and bubble gum pop) but I can't fucking stand Jerry Seinfeld's stand up comedy. He doesn't really make jokes or punchlines... Just really obvious observations... You know... "What's the deal with women and perfume? It's like you spray it in the air, walk through it, and you smell good!" ...Yeah. I really wish I could say that I made that one up.

I can give you that. Purely as standup, he's not that great but the show is. Jerry, Jason Alexander, Michael Richards, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Estelle Harris, Jerry Stiller and numerous others were fantastic. Truly great writing!