Two Family House

Two Family House is an independant film that tells the story of Buddy Visalo, a man who regrets that he has passed up the one opportunity offered to him early in his life. So Buddy strives to make up for that missed opportunity by attempting to make it in life trying different businesses and coming up with different ideas.

His latest idea is converting a run down two family house into a business called Buddy's Tavern. He decides that he and his wife will use the upstairs apartment as their home, and the downstairs will be where the tavern is. Sure enough, with Buddy's luck, it's not so easy getting rid of the tenants because the housing laws cause him all kinds of complications.

What starts out as a problem eventually evolves into a totally unexpected romance.

Buddy is played by Michael Rispoli, who is better known as mob boss Jackie Aprile from season one of The Sopranos, along with a supporting cast of Sopranos characters include Katherine Narducci (Charmaine Bucco ), Sharon Angela ( Rosemarie Aprile), Vincent Pastore ( Big Pussy ) & Matt Servidio ( agent Harris ).

A very entertaining and enjoyable film.

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Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.