Man, where to begin. I'm still taking it all in.

I never thought of Bobby as being that bright anyway, so him leaving the gun/phone in the car didn't seem odd. He was basically a good and maybe too trusting. I felt bad seeing him go.

I hated to see Sil get shot, as he's being such a loyal friend to Tony. And yes Paulie seems to be the loyal one in the end. I would have guessed he'd have been taken out.

I think Tony needed to get tough with AJ due to the circumstances, and wonder if it'll toughen him (AJ) up knowing he has to protect Carm and Meadow, or make him withdraw further.

I didn't catch the Raging Bull reference (although I knew they were mimicing something) until you guys mentioned it. The music did sound GFish, but I couldn't quite make it out.

And I agree too with SC. Melfi dropping Tony like a hot potato was unethical IMHO. No matter what your patient has done, or how you feel about him personally, it seemed she still had an obligation to help him.

This episode was so fast pace it seems (and about 7 minutes shorter than an hour ) It just started and it was over. I guess a sign of how good it was (although sad).

I've been very disappointed only a few times to see one my favorite shows end, but especially this show, this week and this episode I really am feeling sad that this will be the end of the Soprano era. I will always remember it as one of the best shows in television (Cable) history.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon