(First Viewing)

Johnny Utah (Reeves) is a Special Agent for the FBI. Utah gets partnered with Angelo Pappas (Gary Busey) an experienced agent who is more than committed to his work. The two are asked to investigate the number of robberies committed by a group called the Ex-Presidents, who wears masks of Presidents Reagen, Nixon, Carter and Johnson for their robberies. Pappas has a theory that the Ex-Presidents are a group of surfers, and asks for Utah to go undercover as a surfer. The problem is, Utah couldn't surf to save his life. That plus the two continuously being hassled by unpleasant and rough Agent Harp (McGinley). With the help of Tyler (Petty) a competent female surfer, Utah begins to gain the respect of local surfer Bodhi (Swayze) and his group. Utah forms a close bond with Bodhi, but the relationship between Utah and Bodhi becomes limited when Utah suspects that Bodhi and his group are the Ex-Presidents.

Man I wonder what happened to Patrick Swayze, the man was making a pretty nice life for himself with RED DAWN, ROAD HOUSE and now POINT BREAK on his resume. Then he turned in that GHOST piece of crap and it all went down from there. Also young Keanu Reeves is fresh off his Ted Logan role in Bill & Ted (thank Heavens). My biggest beef with the film was there was too much surfing. I liked the bank robbing and sky diving scenes and wish there was more of that. I felt too much time was wasted on Keanu and Patrick bonding while surfing. Somewhat disappointing (especially since it started out so good) but an enjoyable film nonetheless.