Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
 Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
BUG (2006) - ****

Irish will hate this movie. I'm sure talking about it to his Blockbuster co-workers, he says how boring it is, how not scary it is, and how nothing interesting happens. Then he sees me typing all of this, and he then writes of how he likes the movie, or how smart critics dug the movie.

Better yet, if Taratino and the media go ape for it, he'll follow suite.

But what makes BUG absolutely fascinating is that William Friedkin makes maybe his best fucking movie since TO LIVE & DIE IN LA two decades ago.

No, scratch that. Its fascinating because while the ad campaign make BUG seem like a horror infestation-insect thriller, its really in fact a love story.....albeit one where one crazy schzephrenic falls for a woman who seems to be a undiagnosed nutjob herself...and both fend off an invasion of deadly insects.

The first 2/3rds of the movie, you play along with the possibility that Michael Shannon is a victim of a conspiracy, but in the last 1/3rd, you realize...he's just fucking crazy. By this third act, you're watching madness enrapture two lonely people, and for the most crazy happy/downer ending of 2007 that I've witnessed.

To think that BUG started out as a written play, and Friedkin absolutely captures this intimacy of the stage with the screen, no surprise since he's been busy helming Opera productions for the last few years.

You all want a good Hollywood horror movie that is smart and worth-watching instead of more pretty people who can't act who get slashed up or another shitty remake? Go see BUG.

But how did Ashley look??

Judd in BUG looks like a sexually-hungry white trash coke-head...and sexy at it.