Originally Posted By: Don Andrew
It's ridiculous how much shit he's catching for saying "ha!" Wow. It's exactly as DJ pointed out earlier, it's just like hard counts in football. This is not really bush league at all to me.

The fact that the third baseman was FAKED OUT by a simple "ha" is a bit more bush league than anything.

I agree that it is embarrassing for a big leaguer to get faked on that. But A-Rod didn't yell "Ha." He deliberately called for the ball. The reaction of the third baseman wasn't one of being startled; it was one of being called off.

In recent Little League games i've seen the bench of an opposing team scream, "Miss it!" just before an outfielder caught a fly ball; I saw a third baseman push a runner off base and tag him (and actually get the out call to the delight of the parents on his team; and last season I saw a catcher ejected and suspended an additional game for yelling "Swing!" when a pitch was thrown.

They're starting out young. ;\)