With regards to the A-Rod plays being "bush league," give me a break. Ty Cobb is laughing at this kind of stuff. This is amateur hour compared to what has been done in the past. And other sports all have this sort of thing - football, for example, has hard counts and linemen try to throw each other off all the time - so frankly, this stuff may not happen as often as A-Rod says it does, but it does happen. So, I really don't see any issue with this, except ESPN constantly playing it over, and will probably bring in an audio expert on Baseball Tonight.

It's not how I played the game, or how I want my kids to play the game, or my Little League team, but again, I don't see anything fundamentally wrong with it, given the Yankees situation, the prevalence of such plays in Major League baseball, and the past history of baseball as a game of questionable plays.

Hell, its not like he sharpened his spikes and slid into second, right?