Originally Posted By: DonVitoCorleone
Zodiac is an epic pile of shit.

How am I suppossed to enjoy a film that spends so much time presenting us dialogue that hammers out details of some stupid un-solved case that has no affect on my life or anybody else's?

What a fucking bore.

Compared to what? A fictional retarded serial killer crapper that doesn't matter to any of us because it SUCKS?

The epilogue text serves a purpose. ZODIAC isn't a horror or serial killer or even a thriller(but it does contain thrills)...its a police procedural movie and the movie's nearly-complementive 160 minute digestation of everything Zodiac makes it absolutely fascinating.

Besides, the movie dramatically tries to resolve itself with a satisfying narrative ending....yet Fincher still reminds the audience that the film's choosen "Zodiac" may not be the man himself.

The best docu-dramas are those that are absolutely fun when you learn and experience at the same time.

Plus, it was riveting despite the cramming of details and information. That accomplishment alone proves that Fincher is a master.