Hard to pick an all time favorite album, but Born to Run would be one of those albums I'd choose if I were stranded on a desert island and could only have a handful of CD's to listen to.

I always felt that Born to Run might be the best collection of eight songs ever assembled on one album with seven excellent songs overshadowed by the overwhelming success of the eighth song, the title track. Recite the song titles, in order, out loud. There is a rhythm and tempo that goes with that song order that you can't match if you put them in any other order. And the way they flow when you listen to them in order...even better on compact disc since you don't have the natural break between album sides. Moreover, having listened to a lifetime of Phil Spector-produced albums, I don't think Spector could have captured his "wall of sound" as accurately and faithfully as Landau did for Springsteen on this album.

During the opening bridge on Backstreets, don't you eventually find yourself singing the words "...in the darkness on the edge of town..."

When I hear Meeting Across the River, I have a Tom Waits moment as I listen to Springsteen's story about a misguided kid trying to experience his perverse idea of a grown-up business deal and sucking his friend down with him.

I agree with Yogi...Springsteen is consistently good...I just happen to enjoy Born to Run more than anything else he's recorded.

tony b.

Tom Waits for no man...

Last edited by YoTonyB; 05/31/07 07:18 PM.

"Kid, these are my f**kin' work clothes."
"You look good in them golf shoes. You should buy 'em"