Thanks to my BB family I really appreciate it.

DC- Thank you so much for starting this for me. You have to be the sweetest man I know. It has been my honor meeting you and you're family. Thank you for you're shoulder when I needed it.
PS. No diet cokes for me.

Beth- It has been fun. I really want to meet you.

Tis- I am so glad we got to meet and spend some time together last year. I can't wait to see you again. Thanks alot.

DJ- I love talking to you on AIM. It is not a waste of time. Hopefully you'll be on soon. Love you to.

X- I sincerely hope everything works out for you and I can meet you this Summer. Who do we talk about first? Maybe The Undertaker? Thanks so much.

DS,Ice- Thank you guys so much for the pic's of John. It made my day. Funny you post the Urban Cowboy pic Ice, I watched that movie last night on VH1Classic.

SB- Thank you so much. I can't wait to see you and Mr. Babe. I am looking forward to spend time with you and hearing those giggles. I'm practicing the quarter game.

Yogi,Irish,Deniro- Thanks guys so much. You're the best.

Goombah- My fellow Ohioian. Thanks so much. Hopefully we can meet one of these days. If you are ever in Salem, look me up. Hopefully I can talk these guys into coming to Cleveland one of these years for the BB Convention.

Klydon- Thanks alot. I haven't had the honor of meeting you YET but you know me so well. You are coming this Summer to Jersey right?

Afs- Thanks so much sweetie. I love and look forward to getting your emails to.My family enjoys them. You put a smile on my face as well.

Turnbulll- Thanks so much I look forward to meeting you one day. I enjoy reading you're knowledge on all subjects. Are you still in Arizona?

Geoffy- Thanks so much for the BB family. I can't wait to see you this Summer. We will have a blast.

Lombardi- Thanks so much and welcome back to the BB. Feel free to dress up as Danny Zuko and take a pic for me.

Bogz- Thanks so much. You always make me laugh when I need it. It's a shame we lived so close to each other and we never met yet. Hopefully that will change.

JM- Thanks honey. Looking forward to seeing pictures of you're flowers.

MC- Thanks alot. Yes I love being a converted country girl.

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12