Originally Posted By: Irishman12
 Originally Posted By: Double-J
Well, they did bring Clemens back...maybe if they get rid of Torre and/or Cashman, Bernie will be back?

My biggest problem with getting rid of Cashman is that I don't want the Tampa group to come back in power with an "I told you so" from George, and we end up signing the biggest priced vets we can find.

I can see it now...

Trade Phil Hughes for Ken Griffey... \:p

I've been hearing the Yanks are going to be first in line to trade for Mark Texiara around the All-Star break. Personally, the number one guy I want to see in pinstripes is Johan Santana

Those guys would probably prefer to play for a contender. ;\)

Actually, I think part of the Yankees' problem is chasing all-star names for exorbitant prices, and not getting value for them. Sure, there's a lot of initial excitement when you bring in names like Giambi, A-Rod, Sheffield, Abreu, Randy Johnson, but I think the Yankees overvalue these guys. They become albatrosses and set them back. Their focus should be on building from within.