New Spoiler from the AOLboards...

Phil, Butch, and Albie are discussing what to do with Tony. Butch suggests whacking him, but Phil says Tony has friends on commission and they too would end up dead. Albie suggests killing some of Tony's hierarchy. Phil agrees, tells Butch to make it happen.

Meadow and Patrick are driving around in New York to get lunch in Tony's Escalade. Some Butch and someLupertazzi members see the car and follow it, thinking its Tonys'.

Patrick drops off Meadow at the Restaurant so he can park. As this happen the NY soldiers open fire at the car, killing Patrick. Once the NY guys see it wasn't Tony they bail. Meadow is unharmed.

Once Tony hears the news he is enraged, cursing and throwing shit around at the Bing. We also learn that Little Carmine has been siding with Phil the whole time. Tony says he'll take care of him later. Silvio calls Patsy to give him the news. Patsy sits in his LazeBoy, and begins to sob.

In the next scene we see Butch eating dinner at a Chinese restaurant with his wife. Patsy storms in and shoots Butch in the head and his wife twice in the chest.

We next see Tony on the phone with Corky Caporale, who brought the two Zips from Italy to kill Rusty Milio. Tony asks Corky if he can use one of them again on a "secret hit". Corky agrees and sends Roberto. Tony then calls Silvio to meet him at the Bing.

The next scene we see AJ trying to excape from the mental hospital, but is caught by security. Carm calls Tony, and tells him what happened. Tony slams the phone and rushes to the Hospital. The next scene we see AJ yelling at Carm, saying it was her she was depressed. Tony comes in and slaps AJ, calling him a "fuck up" and that he was ashamed of him.

We next see Silvio walking into the Bing. Only Patsy is there. Silvio, thinking he was blown off by Tony walks outside only to encounter two hitmen sent by Phil. They each unload on Sil till his lifeless body hits the ground. As this happens Patsy walks outside, caught off gaurd he tries to escape on foot, but is shot to death.

In the next scene we see Paulie, Tony, Bobby, Larry Boy, Benny, and Carlo at Satriales...all quiet. Bobby thinks that maybe Sil and Patsy had something to do with Butch's death, but this only leads to an argument with Paulie. Tony then tells them he has men coming from Italy to kill Phil, they take a moment to digest it and say that it's the right thing to do.

We next see Roberto following Phil to his goomars house. Roberto decides to wait for Phil to leave to kill him. Roberto falls asleep and wakes up to see Phil going back into the house, Roberto follows and shoots him in the back of the head. However, it turns out to be the goomar's father who only resembles Phil.

Once Tony hears the news about the botched hit, he gets angry. All the stress of the situation with Phil gives him a sudden panic attack. Carmella rushes to his aid, he then tells her to pack up because their leaving.

We next see a shopkeeper asking a large man if needed any help. When then see that it is Bobby, he asks the man if they have any "Blue Comet" sets. The shopkeeper says no and Bobby leaves only to encounter the same to hitmen that killed Sil and Patsy. Each man pumps a few shots into Bobby's chest.

We next see Tony and Carm driving when Tony's cell goes off, it's Janice. She's having a meltdown over the phone and Tony can't understand. Tony decides to see what's wrong with Janice. Tony hears of Bobby's death but is confronted by Janice because she thinks it was Tony's revenge for the fight he had with Bobby. Tony dismisses this, but Janice doesn't believe him. Tony gets back into the car and leaves Janice very distraught in her driveway.

We next see Phil quite pleases with himself. Talking with Albie about how he was always planning to rid Jersey of thr DiMeo Family and move his family on their turf. They each have a toast for Butch.

In the final scene we see Tony, Carm, Meadow, and AJ in a car driving. Carm asks Tony where they were going, Tony says, "I don't know yet."

"When my time comes, tell me, will I stand up?"
Paulie "Walnuts" Gaultiere - The Sopranos