i have a question for all of you:

if you could obtain one quality, one desire, one object - whether to better yourself or not - what would it be? it could be a material possession (a new car), a cerebral gain (a better understanding of math or science), a career accomplishment (a job promotion or better grades in school), an emotional goal (you wish you were less sensitive or had better control of your emotions), a physical achievement (better health or lose weight), a financial gain (pay off all your debts or a million dollars) - anything that you want.

i would unquestionably choose to have a gift for being effortlessly witty, or at least to be alot more effortlessly witty than i am. all of my favorite figures - whether it be a musician, a filmmaker, a historical figure, whatever - are known for their quick, irreverent wit: john lennon, oscar wilde, morrissey, woody allen, elvis costello, bob dylan. hell, my girlfriend is even incredibly witty; i am extremely attracted to wit in all forms, in people, in art, in anything. there's no possible gift as insurmountable, propitious or fruitful as the gift of words; as the old saying goes, "the pen is mightier than the sword." with a few strokes of your pen, or a spontaneously caustic remark, you can completely rewrite or change history, do irreparable damage to someone's reputation, career & life, or make a star out of yourself or someone else overnight.

what about everyone else? what would your one obtainment be?

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw