Hey All,

I can't help but think something big is gonna go down at Artie's place Vesuvio in the last two episodes... Where has he been? It's almost like Chase is excluding him and his restaurant in this last half season on purpose or something... I just keep forgetting about Artie so far in 6B. After the way things were left at the end of season 6A... where the hell is Artie? And, why haven't we seen anything happening at his joint, or with him in the first 7 eps so far?

The only thing I can think of is they shot the hell out of hus restaurant for the last couple of episodes... Either that or I missed something HUGE! Anyone heard anything, or have any thoughts about Artie and why he or his place haven't played any role so far in the second half of the season? Did something go bad with the actor, or is Chase just making us forget about him to mess with our heads before they blow his ass and his place away (Maybe?? Either I am way off, or I think something crazy is going to happen at Vesuvio real soon!
