Just go to a Scottish Games if you want to get a kick out of large burly men in kilts throwing heavy objects. Anyone ever seen a caber toss? Looks hilarious with a guy balancing a giant log straight up in the air, running forward with an "official" basically breathing down his neck as he runs right behind him to judge the toss of the log end over end to make sure it wasn't leaning to one side or the other blah blah blah. I may be wrong, but my vote goes to the Scottish for the most cave-manish events.

Haven't quite seen any tossing of women or women being used as targets though. I guess the Scots are confused by wearing womens clothes to begin with.

Last edited by Blibbleblabble; 05/27/07 07:26 PM.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes