Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
DISTURBIA (2007) *1/2

Caught this last night. It was either this, Shrek or Pirates. Whaddaya want from me?

Anyhoo, Shia LaBeouf as a paranoid Peeping Tom. That's it.


DISTURBIA is a piece of shit movie designed for the idiotic and self-indulgent teenie-bopper mall rats.

A pity, since the basic REAR WINDOW-ripoff could have worked. DISTURBIA is contrived, but instead of a drug-pusher that NOBODY believes(groans from the audience)....

Pizzaboy, what if the stupid kid is a drug pusher, and he got house arrest...EXCEPT, he keeps cooking up drugs in his basement or becomes a middle-man between the pushers and the buyers. Anyway, he sees the murder, but he can't call the cops.

If he did, they would come to his house, discover his activities....and Bubba will be raping his ass for the next 5 years at the local pen.

But even if he is a scumbag, he gets a fellow associate and his nice girl neighbor to spy and peg the murderer down.

See? No contrived nonsense.

Pizzaboy, I GUARANTEE my idea would be better than the movie.

P.s. - Doesn't everyone here hate theatres that have 20+ screens, and have are clogged up with several screens just for ONE movie?

Its like my local mall theatre, 3 screens for SHREK 3(it sucked), 3 for SPIDER-MAN 3(Not bad, just BOTCHED), and 3 for PIRATES 3 (decent fun)...and only two screens left.