Ok, I admit I misspoke about the Stones creativity ending with Brian Jones leaving. Their string of albums, from Beggar's Banquet through Exile are fantastic. I can't think of too many artists who have a string of four albums that are considered among the all-time greatest records. Let It Bleed was Jones' last recording and has always been my favorite Stones record. I do like Some Girls a lot, but in spite of crap like "Beast of Burden" and "Shattered." I think its best moments are "Before They Make Me Run," "Far Away Eyes," and "Respectable."

What I should have said is that after Some Girls, the Stones rehashed a lot of the same kind of material, with Tattoo You to now. Again, that's not a knock. They're one of my favorite all-time bands. Artists can only reinvent the wheel so many times musically. I'd take the Stones making the same music over artists who try to change each record for the sake of change.