Originally Posted By: svsg
American History X **

Depending on where you live, you might react differently to the issues of race addressed in the movie. As with Crash, I feel that the issue of racism has been treated in a very direct way, which I did not like much. It could have been a little subtle, but that is not to be expected since the main character is a neo-nazi, who are... well, not subtle at all in thier ideas. I don't know how true are the depictions of jail environment that is acutely divided into neo-nazi and black groups.
Now moving on to the cinematic part, Edward Norton packs in a very powerful performance, one of his best IMO. His physical appearance and transformation is all so believable. There is a flashback scen in the end at the dinner table. His appearance and demeanor in that scene is so different from the initial ones that they almost look like two different actors. Great great acting.
Warning, Spoiler:
And that rape scene in jail is absolutely impacting

There are some great scenes, but the overall execution of the film leaves me somewhat unsatisfied.

RRA, I did not understand your comment on Edward Norton's role. Do you feel that he hijacked the movie to pad up his role?

Who knows. I just know the film's credited director CLAIMS that "his cut" of the movie is better, and would have won Norton the Oscar. Norton hated THAT cut and basically got New Line Cinema to play it his way(or he threatened to disown it).

Still, I would like to see that original edit for kick's sake.