Originally Posted By: BDuff
Really? Seemed good enough in the Godfather where the war doesn't start till an hour into the film.

Tony Soprano and Phil Leotardo seem way more hand's on than Michael Corleone ever was. Do Mob Bosses really get their asses in line to be shot at?

And all the time Tony used to go down the driveway to get his morning newspaper. Seems to me there never was any "peace-time" for this man. How easy would it be to have a sniper poised to take an easy shot at a big white target? Heck, Tony would go down in a bathrobe without a gun, so if someone was there, all he could do is try and run his fat ass up that hill back to his house. BANG. No more Tony.

Guess its a good thing he doesn't go down to get his paper anymore. And Carmela has the audacity to ask, "what are you afraid of? What's down there waiting for you, Tony?" Dumb ass.