You have to love ESPN. Gloom and doom all around after Clemens' second start. Pretty hilarious. He's washed up, he's toast, etc.

Gotta love Every Sox Player Nationwide...


Great game all around. The Yankees finally gave Pettitte some offensive support, and even the bullpen came around, despite the best efforts by Kyle Farnsworth to blow it. Mo looked electric. Matsui was on, baby. Even Eye-Chart popped a homer off his old teammate.


Giambi took amphetamines?


To paraphrase our dearly departed friend, Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bompensiero, "I was popping those little things like jujubees!"

Seriously, it's like having a tin of M&M's in MLB clubhouses. This shouldn't surprise anyone.


A-Rod's slide into Pedroia?

Pretty hilarious the reaction, considering our hitters get plunked on a regular basis without retaliation from our pitchers, who lack balls, as Tony Montana would say.

Frankly, Pedroia should be more worried about keeping his spot and not losing it to a "great" talent like Alex Cora.


T-Clip comes up big Friday? Maybe Mike Mussina gets demoted to the #4 starter. Finally.


All the "scouts" who were in attendance at Clemens last start and have leaked their "anonymous" thoughts to the press...guess who they were?

Theo Epstein and the Red Sox crew. They were there to see some Portland prospects (allegedly), so there is little doubt they're trying to play a bit of mind games.

Of course, ESPN laps it up...