(Third Viewing)
Once again thrown into the world of the supernatural, Captain Jack Sparrow finds out that he owes a blood debt to the legendary Davey Jones, Captain of the ghostly Flying Dutchman. With time running out, Jack must find a way out of his debt or else be doomed to eternal damnation and servitude in the afterlife. And as if this weren't enough, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann are arrested and sentenced to death unless Will can get Lord Beckett Jack's compass, who are forced to join Jack on yet another misadventure.

Much like DREAMGIRLS and other films, I enjoy this movie with each additional viewing. After seeing it in theaters last summer I was on board of the "Pirates 2 Sucks" band wagon but I'm off of it now. I think much like SPIDER-MAN 3, the PIRATES sequels just have enormous expectations placed upon them that few (if any) movies can meet. It was great seeing Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley back and I also really enjoyed Bill Nighy's work as Davy Jones. One thing this film is superior at than the original are the special FX. Jones and his crew look marvelous on screen!