I think if we've seen the last of Junior it was a fitting way for him to go out. Old and alone, the gangster retirement package.

I read those spoilers about Meadow. One does have her, in fact, dying, but who knows ? The Baccala shooting outside the hobby shop has been in the spoiler threads for months. Again, who knows ?

Whenever I discount a spoiler as ridiculous, that's when it's spot on, like Tony killing Christopher. I also read that Tony will kill himself but I'm not buying that for a minute. That would truly be ridiculous.

I don't care if they make a movie or not, but for reality's sake, I hope they don't kill off too many characters. I mean, more characters have gotten killed off on this show in 8 years than in a real life mob war (Colombo war of the early 90's notwithstanding).

I think Tony will have Phil killed, which will be a suicidal act. Let's face it, the character is a 5 family boss.

Like Travolta said in SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER, "there's ways of killing yourself without killing yourself."

I'm actually not too upset they're taking the week off. I can re-watch the first 7 episodes of the season again and see if I can figure out what Chase has in store for us. I doubt it.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.