Originally Posted By: Sopranorleone
Good episode. Was that Italian or Arab music being played at the end? I dont know, since I am not either. Did anyone else get the sense that AJ might consider becoming an Al Quada or something of the sort? That might set Tony up for choosing between ratting on his son or going to jail.

Phil is being totally rediculous. Tony had a legit beef to beat the hell out of that guy. Phil might try to make Tony suffer (as he has said before) by killing one of his relatives. With Chrissy dead, it would be either Bobby or a member of his immediate family. If Phil hits Meadow, Tony is left with AJ, who has more than the average college kid's problems.

Tony should just whack Phil and instill Carmine as boss.....


Tony wouldn't have much say in who became a boss in New York. However, I think he is going to go after Phil, in a suicidal, "I don't give a fuck" kind of way.

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