Kei Igawa got a loss after two unearned runs in his latest Tampa A start. Ugh. Lilly has a similar contract, and is tearing it up. Grr...


Abreu may be back...he had a nice hit last night, and two walks. Wow. If only, if only...


Speaking of being back, at least half of Cano's game has returned. He fielded plenty of balls last night without error, after his tumbleweed impersonation - pinball glorioski that resulted in three errors the previous game. Now if he could just hit the ball. He had a near home run to left at Shea that just went foul. Poo.


Clippard is part of the future of the Yankees, but hadn't been considered major league ready by the trainers, which is why he's been passed over earlier this year. He's also matured (if I'm not mistaken he got into DUI trouble early in his minor league career) and looked to be comfortable on the mound. After Hughes, he's one of the top 3 or so pitchers in the Yankee minor leagues. If he can keep some consistency at the Major League level, don't be surprised if he takes Mike Mussina's role as the middle of the rotation guy next year.

And what the fuck? He hit a Total package.


Torre had a "positive" talk with Steinbrenner, according to Torre.

What did they talk tea?


So the ESPN baseball crew again was on top of its game, keeping the Kyle Farnsworth thing going, despite its massive irrelevance. I did think it was interesting to see Proctor go for the 7th and 8th, though that may just be to keep the rest of the 'pen fresh (which now includes Matt DeSalvo and Ron Villone).